The Arup Research Platform

The Arup Research Platform is Beep Studio's proposal for 2016's  'No.8 @Arup' competition.

The proposal puts the act of engineering on display at the heart of Arup's head office, celebrating the dialogue, research, experimentation and development that underpins successful teamwork.

"Engineering problems are under-defined. There are many solutions, good, bad and indifferent.
The art is to arrive at a good solution.
This is a creative activity, involving imagination, intuition and deliberate choice"
- Ove Arup

We believe that the most important place in an engineering practice is the meeting table.
This is where individuals become a team, specialities overlap, chance encounters occur, problems are explored, and answers are discovered.


  • The Platform spans the atrium at ground level, with team activity both encouraged and put on display to all people entering the building.
  • A meeting table sits at the centre, a place for and symbol of teamwork.
  • Desks and workbenches line the edges, enabling both digital experiments and practical research and development.
  • Work in progress is pinned up on display boards, and displays of completed work are spread across all levels.

Beep Studio would like to thank Arup for asking them to take part in the competition.