Albion Millennium Green

An oasis of public space in South East London 


Beep Studio were commissioned by the Green's Charitable Trust to encourage social activity on the site.

Outputs included public consultation events and a substantial report recommending enhancements for performance without detracting from the spaces recreational uses or negatively impacting the wildlife and wider ecology of the space.

The studio led public consultations on the Green, which were paired with a variety of special events and performances, thereby drawing in visitors who would be otherwise less likely to attend.

The Green’s first 'Little Ecological Arts Festival’ (LEAF) took place in 2013, attracting a wide public and over 20 international performers. 

Collaborators included the London Wildlife Trust, Friends of Albion Millennium Green, Outburst Theatre and Sydenham Arts Festival.  Funded through Lewisham Councils' Local Assembly.